ShoEi Foods Qingdao Co., Ltd.

ShoEi Foods Qingdao Co., Ltd. was established in the Chengyang District of Qingdao, Shandong Province in August 2002 as a wholly owned subsidiary of Shoei Foods Corporation. It processes agricultural produce sourced from and around Shandong Province as well as our overseas network, and markets them to China, Japan and the rest of the world, continually striving to meet global demand. The first part of the plant completed in 2003 uses laser sorters, X-ray detectors and other leading equipment as well as visual inspections to sort dried fruits and nuts. The second part of the plant, completed in 2005, employs sugar infusion and quick-freezing equipment to process dried fruits and freeze-process fruits. Sugar infused dried fruit is one of our main products. We also manufacture and process chestnut products, various purees, pastes and fillings. The R&D center completed in 2008 offers seminars on western confectionery and baking and technical trainings, and also develops new products.
Yuhuangling Industry Park,Chengyang, Qingdao, Shandong 266107 China.
Main Products
Draining (apple and chestnut products, canning and packaging, etc.)
Sugar infusion processing (strawberries and other berries)
Retort sterilization and pouching
Processing of fruits and nuts, freeze-processing of fruits
Sorting of dried fruits and nuts
Infused Dried Whole Strawberries
Diced Orange Peels
Raisin Conveyer